Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Joey Skywalker

Joey Skywalker, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

As you can see, Joey's really likes his swords... wat's this between boys and guns, swords and other stuff of destruction? I've got the same problem!

Anyways, we were at a friend's place for her b'day, and Joey got this sword and then he started running around with it and shouting, making funny faces ... I basically had to yank it away from him at the end.

I hope there is no predisposition toward violence in the Choong DNA???

Friday, November 11, 2005

A day in the life of ...

[closing accessories box]
Hey Joey, can you stop rummaging through the box please?

Ah goo ga dowan.

[grab back remote, putting it back on telly]
And how many times must I tell you not to fiddle with the remote!

Eh nah no no.

[grabs toddler from running out the door]

Hey Joey mummy needs to park the car, don't run out the front door!!!


[tries to brush toddler's teeth]

And can you hold still so I can brush your teeth!?

Hahahahah hehehehe

[daddy gets stepped on]

OUCH! Hey Joey! Stop that!

[come on Joey, daddy needs to hang the laundry]

eh eH EH!!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Singapore's Ian Thorpe

Singapore's Ian Thorpe, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Here's Joey doing his Ian Thorpe impersonation. He's kinda undecided as to exactly which sporting legend he wants to thump when he grows up. He does have this proclivity for swimming goggles, but then he also goes ga-ga when he sees anything with a steering wheel in it.

And he's growing up real fast. Now when we open the front door, he'd scamper out on his own and 'ah!' us (read: hurry up, let's get outta here, I've been cooped up too long!).

Now I bring him out to an oval (Ozzie for field) in the evening where we kick a ball around and toss a frisbee. Initially he'd be so afraid of walking around to explore, but yesterday, before I could fling another frisbee, he was off to disturb some magpie or something.

They sure grow up fast...

Best Bakery this side of the Equator?

We are so proud of ourselves ... last Sat we busted the borders of the Australian Capital Territory and headed into the wilds of the rest of New South Wales. We were kinda tired of staying cooped up in a small town (yes, Canberra IS small - and compared to Singapore, SPARSE!) for sooo long. Drove something like 90kms to reach Braidwood, an ulu (read: remote) town east of Canberra.

Very small I must say, one main street and that's it. And they're fighting to keep the town 'historical' - retain its old world charm. Spoke to someone at the Tourism Office there, he's like nearly 80 and has travelled all over the world in his younger life. Europe, Africa, Asia, you name it.

The highlights of our little day trip - the Braidwood Bakery! Best bakery in New South Wales (well, u kinda must justify spending all tt expensive petrol to get there) -- really good pies, tarts, bread, etc. Also, now Joey's tested to be relaxed, comfortable and quiet for 90kms! And what's more, learnt that Braidwood is one of the gateways into some really pristine national parks in the region, where one can do hiking, canoeing, birdwatching, etc ...

So we should try to wander further in future.