Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sporty Joey

Sporty Joey, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Joey warming up in his 'Babemobile' before his parents take him out running on an Sunday evening. Er, anyways, in the end it got too cold so we've stopped it for now...

Joey n Mummy

Joey n Mummy, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Joey and Mummy at an Anzac Day parade on April 25, 2005 - it's a commemoration of Aussie veterens who fought in various wars.

All the major ones you can think of, and more, in fact: World War I, WW II, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq 2003 ... Boer War, Boxer Uprising, Malayan Emergency, etc!

Anyways, I think Joey enjoyed himself, viewing the soldiers on parade, the bands, the pomp and pagaentry - but mebbe not as much as his dad :)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Joey and Daddy

Joey and Daddy, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Joey in his winter suit!

Sorry for the broadcast delay

Sorry I haven't been keeping this blog up-to-date. With the daily routine of life - feeding Joey, changing him, studying, working, tutoring, church, shopping - things have been turning into a blur!

But we making quite good progress - I'm moving ahead in my research/ tutoring, Layfong's got some part-time work, and Joey ... well, he's having fun barreling around at top speed, getting our attention. He gets quite a big kick chasing me and vice versa. I cannot imagine it when he finally gets to WALK!