Friday, August 25, 2006

Huey Joey

Huey Joey, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Ah, the durable dependable M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier - the preferred transportation choice for the infrantryman (choose that or walking!). Also daddy's battlefield taxi in the Singapore Armed Forces for many years!

Vietnam 'Veterans'

Vietnam 'Veterans', originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

We had a bit of fun (mummy included) going to this event at the Australian War Memorial last week, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Australia's Long Tan experience, Vietnam.

The battle of Long Tan was a defining event in Australia’s longest war. It was one of the most intensive actions Australian soldiers fought in Vietnam. On 18 August 1966, a rifle company of 108 men, cut off and outnumbered by at least ten to one, withstood repeated, massed Viet Cong attacks for four hours. The bravery and tenacity of the Australian soldiers became legendary [see]

Best of all was to see a pair of Hueys take off from a field in front of the War Memorial ... cools.

Big Gray One

Big Gray One, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Dude, you stole my parking lot?!

Huey Joey

Huey Joey, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

Here's Captain Joey Choong, preparing for a evacuation mission - to rescue a box of chocolate mudcake from people who don't need it :-)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Xuan and Joey

Xuan and Joey, originally uploaded by ZeeRedBaron.

As I write this Joey and Layfong will be headed back to Oz after a fun-filled and enjoyable six weeks back at home. Have to say it's a bit of a downer after having so many friends and family (and support!) back at home, but I guess that's the cost of ... er, career advancement!

The picture pretty much captures how much fun Joey had during his vacation back at home, running around the house wif his fav cousin, lotsa toys, yummy food, no need to wear several layers of clothes ...

From a quick SMS from my bro-in-law back home, it seems that Joey knew he was leaving. He wanted to go home with my sister-in-law's family (that's actually quite a breakthrough, coz Joey before he went back to Singapore this year was usually quite clingy to us), but in the end he waved goodbye ...

Pls pray for us, that we can adjust and adapt back to Canberra. And that Joey will find more playmates here! And that we will look to God always.

Take Care!