Happy CNY

We went up to Sydney to visit the Chinatown with a couple we know back from Singapore. Drove up in about 4 hours, walked around Chinatown looking for lion dancers, firecrackers, festive food fare -- basically stuff that we never bothered about when back in Singapore ...
Q fun, Sydney is a lot more happening than Canberra during CNY ... as you could see from the photo, however, Joey looks a bit lost coz like his dad, he doesn't really like crowds so much :)
Initially we were beginning to feel a little homesick with CNY coming up, but having Kelvin and Eliada come up from Melbourne to stay with us was really good. They brought char siew pau, lo hei, bachang! (Yes, Melbourne is a lot more happening than Canberra, but tt's another story) We had steamboat for 'reunion dinner' - so tt was really good. And compared to taking 24 hours to carry Joey the last time round, this time Kelvin managed to carry Joey within a coupla hours after arriving at our place (a record! Joey doesn't allow anyone to carry him ...)
Joey has recently taken to buliding Lego blocks ... so after dinner he'd get us to build his blocks as high as he can, and then his face will beam when it's finished and he'd show it to us with pride. Simple things can make them soooo happy.
Happy CNY!
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